Rabu, 08 November 2017

Ruby Game Scripting System (or RPG Maker XP) is a derivative of the Ruby programming language devoted to its use to create PC games. Game The results of this RPG Maker XP has a standard resolution of 640 * 480 which can be changed through the conversion of RGSS script.

RPG Maker XP integrates the Ruby programming language, providing higher development flexibility than the actual Ruby programming language. Because the Ruby programming language does not support graphics and audio, RGSS is developed to provide basic interface and data structures that can be used by editors

RPG Maker XP uses images for title screens, overlay games, character sets, tilesets, transition effects, fighting animations, battle icons, item icons, backgrounds and windowskin. New images can be created through image processing software. RGSS can accept all technical image extensions such as PNG, BMP, and JPG. However, in the use of GIF animations, a script must be entered into the database in order for the animation to be displayed, if not, then only a normal image appears.

The battle system provided by default is first-person and takes turns. The programmer can create new attack animations and import the images to use in the background of the fight. The battle system can be edited by programmer with certain limit, because pda database base using RGSS script and Ruby itself.

RPG Maker XP provides the default classes and modules contained in Script Editor, but some of them are hidden: RPG, Audio, Graphics, Input, Tilemap, Table, Window, Sprite, Bitmap, Viewport, and Plane. Some of these hidden classes can be found in the help files contained within the program itself, but there is no way to access them unless the program is changed.

Characters are displayed in sets (called "Character Set" or "Charset"). Each animation is displayed in terms of 4x4 "poses" for each Charset. The design of the animation gives an impressive illusion that the character is actually running.

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