Rabu, 08 November 2017

Did you see the title that I appeared at the beginning of the post above? These are the default drawings of RPG Maker titlescreen when we start a new project. And always (already surely and patent) that will ngegunain picture title like that going very little or even ga exist. For that, developers would be using their own title image. But what about the newbie who do not know how to change the title image? This is where I will teach how we can change the title image that seem boring lol.

RPG Maker XP
For RPG Maker XP, how to change the titlescreen is as follows:

1. Select the image titlemu with size 640 x 480 pixel PNG format. An example is the following picture (the name of the picture is up):

2. Paste your titlemu to Graphics / Titles folder in your project.

3. Now open your project. In the database section, select the system, continue to select Title Graphic. Point the titles to the new titlemu image.

4. After click OK, now try playtest to make sure your project title image has changed to the image you want.

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