Minggu, 03 Desember 2017

Starlight Membership with Skin Alucard prizes to coincide with the Nerf Deadly Blade item! Accidental? Consider the Complete Guide Mobile Legends Hero: Hero Alucard!

Due to Starlight Membership bonus in December this is Skin Alucard, so this time I will share Complete Guide Mobile Legends for Alucard hero as well.

Interestingly here is the emergence of the Starlight Membership Skin Alucard bonus coinciding with the Deadly Blade nerf item on the last patch (Patch 1.2.34) Mobile Legends! Where, the Deadly Blade item is a scourge for Alucard's hero!

As we know, Alucard hero can not do much if the enemy has Deadly Blade items. This is because Alucard lifesteal will decrease drastically when exposed to attack basic attack / skill hero that has Deadly Blade item.

Well, on the last patch (Patch 1.2.34), Deadly Blade item only works on basic attack only and does not work when the hero uses his skill! This allows the Alucard hero to shine again!

Therefore, this time I will share Complete Guide Mobile Legends on Hero Alucard, to be able to help you play this hero correctly and correctly so as to win the battle against the enemy.

As before, the Complete Guide Mobile Legends will discuss about Role, Laning, Battle Spell, Counter Hero, and the Right Items for Alucard heroes.

Immediately, to find out more about this Alucard hero, consider the following explanation.

Alucard is a very good and powerful Charger hero. Once successfully locked the enemy, the enemy will not escape his clutches. This is because of his passive skill that is Pursuit.

The passive skill allows Alucard to jump to the target after successfully removing his skill. Due to the cooldown skill 1 and 2 Alucard is low enough, then he will always succeed to charge / lock the enemy hero with his passive skill!

This lock capability is also supported by its 1st skill, the Groundsplitter-jumping and attacking the enemy in the targeted area. This ability can be used to pursue enemies who try to escape by using the ability to blink, jump, or Flicker.

In case of emergency or urgency, you can also use Groundsplitter to escape and escape.

In addition to being Charger, Alucard can also act as Crowd Control. If you are dealing with many enemy heroes at once, Alucard can even become a very horrible hero!

Why? Because by attacking many heroes at once using his AOE skills, he will get a very large lifesteal as well! This will make the Alucard hero become quite tanky.


The most appropriate Lane when using Alucard is Solo Lord's Lane. By occupying Solo Lord's Lane, you will get level and also Gold quickly.

Your job at Solo Lord's Lane is to destroy the enemy Tower and thwart the Solo hero's hero so. You can steal enemy Forest Creep to reduce gold per minute Solo enemy hero.

Alucard is a pretty strong Solo hero! This is because he has a very high lifesteal when using his ultimate skill! This will help you last longer on the lane against the resilient Solo hero of the enemy.

I recommend buying Haas's Claws for your first item! This item really helps you to dominate your lane. With this item, it's possible to win one versus one on your lane! This one versus one battle will often happen, especially when you're planning on taking enemy Forest Creep.

Battle Spell

To be able to do fast farming in Solo Lord's Lane, then I recommend using Retribution. With this Battle Spell, you will also very easily commit Creep thefts in enemy forest.

If there is a struggle for Creep in the forest, it will be very difficult to get the Creep if you do not have Battle Spell Retribution! Especially when the enemy has this Battle Spell!

One of the weaknesses of Alucard is to disable it! Well, the only Battle Spell that can ward off disable is Purify! With this Battle Spell, you can be detached from effects like Stun, Airbone, and so on.

Counter Hero

Formerly, the most powerful way to counter Alucard was to use the Saber hero. In addition to stun Alucard, with Flying Sword skills and Deadly Blade items, Alucard will not be able to move at all.

Saber can reduce Alucard lifesteal remotely using Flying Sword skills and Deadly Blade items! After that, the enemy team will be very easy to finish off Alucard.

But not for after this! After the latest patch (nerf Deadly Blade), the Flying Sword Saber Skill will not trigger the Deadly Blade effect! This makes it a bit difficult for Saber to reduce Alucard's lifesteal. This certainly can give Alucard a little chance to win back!


Not only Deadly Blade items that change on the latest Leg Legends patch, Jungle items can not currently reset Battle Spell Retribution when upgraded to level 2! This may change some people's perception of buying this level 2 Jungle item.

I think some heroes still need Jungle level 2 items. Besides adding Exp, you will also get some important status (depending on item type) for your hero. In addition, you will also get a bonus regen HP and Mana each managed to kill forest Creep.

After that, you can build items like the picture above, see the explanation as follows:

Haas's Claws
The first item that must be bought by Alucard hero! In addition to increasing Alucard attack, this item becomes the main key to dominate the lane.

Warrior Boots
The most suitable shoe used by Alucard. This item can amplify yourself from physical attacks, so when fighting with the enemy team, you will not die instantly when exposed to physical attacks of the enemy.

Berserker's Fury
To be able to increase the Alucard DPS is even higher, then you need Critical Damage boost! In addition to improving Chance Critical, this item also enhances Critical Damage! It is suitable for use by Alucard, let alone the skills it possesses can be Critical too!

Endless Battle
In addition to increasing the lifesteal, this item can also improve movespeed when successfully using the skill. In addition, this item can also generate true damage to your enemies!

Malefic Roar
If the enemy already has a lot of physical defense, then you need Malefic Roar items to penetrate it! With this item, you will still generate considerable damage even though the enemy has plenty of physical defense.

Wings of the Apocalypse Queen
Items that have this new effect are perfect for use by Alucard! It will become hard when HP has below 40%! In addition, he will also get an additional lifesteal of this item.

Alternative Gear

The following items are alternate items that you can use when dealing with certain heroes or certain conditions:

Rose Gold Meteor
This item is very well combined with Wings of the Apocalypse Queen! When the effects of Wings of the Apocalypse Queen and Rose Gold Meteor are active, Alucard will be very difficult to subvert!

Blade of Despair
The last alternative item in Complete Guide Mobile Legends Alucard's hero is Blade of Despair! When the enemy has only one hero tank, you can replace Malefic Roar with this item.

That's Complete Guide Mobile Legends on Hero Alucard! Good luck!

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